Cats In Knead, Inc., P. O. Box 561126 Orlando, FL 32856-1126

Report Animal Abuse

Report Animal Abuse!

If you see an animal or person being abused, report it. Don’t turn a blind eye to a suffering animal.

There are a few ways to report abuse immediately:

  • Simply dial 3-1-1
  • Call CRIMELINE at (800) 423-TIPS(8477) or text “crimeline” and you tip information to CRIMES (274637)
  • Contact your county animal services
  • Contact your local sheriff’s department

In the Central Florida area:

  • If you observe any domesticated animal you believe is being abused or not receiving proper care, contact Pet  Alliance of Greater Orlando at (407) 351-7722 Ext. 275 or use their online complaint for here
  • For more info regarding investigating animal cruelty in the Central Florida area please visit Pet Alliance’s website

Orange County Animal Abuse Prevention:

For animal abuse resources throughout the state of Florida please visit:

There are basically two kinds of abuse


Try to assess whether it may be neglect by looking at some of the other animals on the property or the property itself. Some common signs of Neglect are:

  • Lack of Grooming – matted hair, sores, dirt, and may even smell bad
  • Starvation – starvation is caused by lack of food, improper food, disease, worms, etc.
  • Poor Living Conditions – the property might have falling down structures, junk/garbage on the ground, filthy living conditions, etc.


It is usually easier to recognize physical abuse when you witness someone kicking, hitting, burning, drowning, etc. the animal. If you see something like this happen, your first impulse might be to confront the abuser. don’t do that unless you are positive a “friendly chat” with that person will improve the situation for the animal. If you can safely take video or photos of the incident, do it. This will create hard evidence for the authorities, help prosecution, and save the animal from further abuse. Also, recognize, if the animals are being abused, the people/children in the home, are probably being abused too.

Resource for the above – American Humane